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FormCap: Special purpose Document Management Software
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What is FormCap?
FormCap is a software package to do the capturing, indexing and searching of scanned documents. It is designed to be used when a large number of paper documents are to be made available selectively to a group of people, based on their credentials. This software uses a central server and provides searching of the documents from a number of PCs connected to your LAN.
What's unique? Fast & Vast
The software is built to store millions of indexed documents, so that you can search and retrieve any document quickly. The typical access time is under 1 second!
FormCap is offered as a fast, robust & scalable solution, where Dataflow provides an application warranty, and product support under a Service Level Agreement. This is underpinned by an extensive range of available professional services. This sets FormCap apart from primitive solutions developed by inexperienced companies.
Choice of OS
The open source database used for FormCap works under Windows as well as Linux. The application itself works under Windows and under Linux with support from Wine. Thus, you can choose to host these components on Windows, Linux or in a mixed environment. This way, the total cost of ownership can be considerably reduced.
Access Control
The software has a number of 'cabinets', each storing a set of similar documents. Users are given rights to selected cabinets only. Others don't even know about the cabinets.
Safety First
Backing up and restoring such huge data is tedious but essential. This task is made easier as FormCap provides a simple means to backup the images and the indexing data together.